Gesellschaft für Wirtschaft und Ethik

Why the Microlevel Determines the Future of the Social Market Economy?

Auszug aus: Journal for Markets and Ethics (2018)/1

Elmar Nass

Online veröffentlicht: 25 Mar 2019
Seitenbereich: 107 – 120


The main concern of this paper was to identify the homogeneity between the micro- and macro-level of social market economy. It shows the transfer of the normative main idea of the social market economy to concepts of leadership ethics with which it is compatible concerning the basic ideas. They will be identified as leadership models of the social market economy and therefore differentiated from those that contradict these ideas. To this end, an attempt will first be made to recall the normative foundations of the social market economy. Leadership will be henceforth identified as an application area of this value basis on the microlevel. Subsequently, the systematic approach will be traced for a transfer from the macro-level to the microlevel.


  • Leadership ethics
  • Humanity
  • Macro–micro-model
  • Leadership culture

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