Gesellschaft für Wirtschaft und Ethik

Stakeholder Management, Cooperatives, and Selfish-Individualism

Auszug aus: Journal for Markets and Ethics (2021)/2

Giovanni Ferri und Angelo Leogrande

Online veröffentlicht: 29 Apr 2022
Seitenbereich: 61 – 75


We analyze stakeholder management (STM) relative to cooperation and individualism within the fourth industrial revolution (FIR). STM is a recent corporate governance tool boosting cooperation and allowing representativeness of individualistic behaviors even in dialectical environments. Though forerunning it, cooperatives massively use STM now, while the FIR demands cooperation also at non-cooperative enterprises. We reach two main conclusions. Deeper orientation towards STM helps solve the shareholder management (SHM) crisis. Moreover, exemplifying the benefits of STM towards social and environmental goals, cooperatives can inspire also other companies aiming to reduce the negative externalities of SHM and profit from cooperation within the FIR.


  • Stakeholder Management
  • Cooperative Banks
  • Shareholder value
  • Individualism
  • Market Society

JEL Classification

  • L21
  • L31
  • L33
  • M14
  • P12
  • P13

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