Gesellschaft für Wirtschaft und Ethik

Soll die Betriebswirtschaftslehre die Interessen anderer Akteure explizit berücksichtigen?

Auszug aus: Journal for Markets and Ethics (2018)/2

Ute Schmiel

Online veröffentlicht: 09 Jan 2020
Seitenbereich: 155 – 169


Business administration argues that means-end-analysis in the interest of firms does not need to take the interests of other actors into account. Its implicit or explicit reason is that there is a harmony between firm goals and the interests of other actors. This study objects from a critical rationalist perspective that such harmony hypotheses are not empirically confirmed. Because of this, actors are not truly free to pursue their own interests. Instead, this study argues that actors on markets are allowed to pursue their own interests as long as they consider the legitimate interests of other actors at the same time. The study goes on to show how business administration should analyze means-end-statements that try to realize this market value.


  • Critical rationalism
  • legitimate interests
  • means-end-analysis
  • profit orientation
  • pursuing own interests

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