Gesellschaft für Wirtschaft und Ethik

The Monti di Pietà in the Middle Ages from a Privileged Point of View: the Marches

Auszug aus: Journal for Markets and Ethics (2018)/1

Roberto Lambertini

Online veröffentlicht: 25 Mar 2019
Seitenbereich: 21 – 26


Studies concerning the Monti di Pietà have quite a long tradition; in the past decades, however, this institution has been studied from new perspectives. After arguing in favor of the Marches (central Italy) as a privileged view angle on the phenomenon, the paper touches upon some complex relationships existing between political authorities and Observant Franciscan preachers, who campaigned in favor of the Monti on explicit invitation of local authorities. The question of the actual functioning of the Monti is also connected with the mechanisms of social inclusion and exclusion; the role of Jewish moneylenders, who were the major targets of Observant preaching in favor of the Monti, is also a key issue for the understanding of the institution.


  • Monti di Pietà
  • Marches
  • Credit
  • Solidarity
  • Inclusion

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